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Field Force Management Software – A Smart & Competent Way to Manage Teams

With the horizons of global business expanding, there are many businesses that operate a field force across multiple locations around the world. Direct dealing with the client, collecting feedback, delivering or taking back products, taking orders are some of the major activities that are done by them. The major crux lies is managing and monitoring them continuously to get the almost real-time information and to avoid any kind of misuse.

For the success of the organization, there is a certain kind of disciplinary monitoring that must be stringently done. Hence, automation becomes more than necessary within the field sales and their business operations. A two-way communication with them is ideal to keep up the rapport and updated information flow. There must be a seamless exchange of information between different stakeholders like field force, customer care executives, top management, customers.

A robust and comprehensive field force management software plays a key role in managing field force, augmenting revenue, RoI and productivity by a large margin. Accelerating business success, this solution empowers organizations to get relevant information from field force, keeping an eye on each of their doings, assigning work orders and offering best of client satisfaction. An enterprise mobile SFA app is all set to empower your business, your way. With cutting-edge innovations value adding to it, there is a bright future. Neither has technology stopped growing nor has the scope of SFA solution. There have been continually moving trends being observed in both areas. There are certain trending technologies that will, over time, be tightly coupled with SFA. For e.g., cloud deployment would be a most appropriate fit. It will make the solution swifter in terms of deployment and easy maintenance.

Field Force Management Software

How are Field Force Management Apps Changing to Suit Modern Day Requirements?

  • Field Force Management Getting Mobile Driven

It is mobile, mobile all over. Mobile devices and the BYOD concept are a part and parcel of our daily lives now. That applies to the field force too. Being already on the move, the sales force needs a mobile-driven solution the most. Of course, choosing the right SFA partner is crucial to business growth. Once done, there is sure to be a streamlined work force leveraging the potential of the mobile and the field force solution operating on it. This helps a lot in saving time, money and energy. It fastens the communication speed between stakeholders especially the customers. There is increased back and forth of alerts and communications in case of delay or cancellation. Customer satisfaction and loyalty is the best output of any efficient field force management software.

  • Sales WorkForce Continuously Becoming Techno Savvy

Once any such app is implemented, the end users must be trained in it. In this scenario, the sales force is trained at the start and as and when updates are applied, they are trained again to level their technical skills with the solution. This way, the field force is all set to be technically superior and sound. Technology is such a fast-moving world that if we need an outstanding app performance, it is important to keep the sales teams on par with the technological changes. The major reason being them knowing the ins and outs of the app, to the optimum.

  • Increased Integration Between SFA app and External Systems

Integration between system is an integral part of the success story of any solution. Irrespective of what is in the hold, they need to seamlessly talk to each other, else the circle of information can never be complete. New, with modern day SFA solutions, there are increased occurrences of integration between systems. The variety of systems like BI, CRM, ERP etc. have also expanded over a period. Hardly are there any, which are unable to connect itself to the app. The best advantage that the sales force get is an availability of information from the app and their third-party components, right there where they are.

  • Sales Force Automation Turning Smarter

Getting sales information on the move has always been the motto of any SFA solution, since years, but what is trending is the extent to which this data is leveraged and made use of.Today’s app is competent to incorporate the process of automatic assignment of your sales force to new work orders. It enables faster and efficient sales route management, the throbbing pulse of any FFA software. Based on location, schedules, order capacity and other things, the solution helps build a business a level further.

Get Set Go To Market with SFA

To Zip Zap Zoom your Sales, download the free demo version of ZooM from Google Play Store and experience the capabilities of some of the most prominent features of ZooM. How else would you experience the efficiency and robustness of this comprehensive field force management app?

Try it to believe it!!! To convert to a complete end-to-end enterprise solution for your organization, ask for a demo or visit

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Author - Tanveer Shaikh

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