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On Time & Precise – Invoice Management For Sales Force Automation Systems

A field force automation system is in charge of various fronts keeping the mobile sales force connected to the enterprise and the customers alike. Finding its applications almost all domains and industries, SFA emerges as a complete and extensive system for all. Be it being a backbone for pre-sales or direct sales or feedbacks a comprehensive sales force automation system becomes almost indispensable today.

Right from opportunity tracking, lead generation, order taking, invoice generation to integrating customer feedback, a comprehensive SFA is responsible for coordination and synchronization of processes across the enterprise for smoother and more efficient operations with an anytime-anywhere approach.

An accurate and timely invoicing process is not only important; it is a vital part of the needs of the enterprise. Invoice management functionalities when integrated into an SFA ensures accurate billing and takes care of payment details, outstanding and integrate these details into the Accounting system providing these vital details, just as a lot of other information on the tips of the sales force and decision makers, 24 * 7.

Add to it the trending techniques adopted by a modern day sales force automation system, an invoice or bill is generated on the go and practically accessed by all authorized for approvals and other formalities, including the client themselves in self – service mode for faster execution cycles.

Invoice Management for SFA

Ideal Features Of Invoice Management In Field Force Automation Systems

  • The invoices should be quick & easy to generate and ideally, automatically generated for the selected orders.
  • Automatic tracking of orders and their invoice status should be facilitated by this system.
  • Creation of PDF invoices should be made possible.
  • Invoice generation should be touchless and with minimal intervention.
  • Self Service for Customers with visibility for orders, invoices, and payments becomes a practical offering for this scenario.
  • Country-specificc Invoicing compliances for regulations like VAT and more should be integrated into the process.
  • Workflows should include invoice verifications and reminders.
  • Integration of online payment gateways is an all important feature expected too
  • Insightful reports through integrated Business Intelligence helps provide real-time critical insights on the status of orders and invoices.

Benefits Offered By Invoice Automation Through Field Force Automation

Transforms The Invoicing Process from Manual to Automated

Automated invoicing involves minimum user intervention with automation from leads to ordering to invoicing reducing paperwork and other overheads of communication. It speeds up the process by eliminating manual processing.

Ensured Adherences to Compliance Prerequisites

Automation invoicing through SFA enforces appropriate compliances depending on the country specific norms. It leaves trustworthy audit trails for tracking these across the globe.

Efficient Collaboration between Departments and Sales Force

Invoicing in SFA offers a single platform to generate invoices based on the orders and special discounts and other offers applicable. It allows easy tracking of the outstanding amounts and generation of reminders and other alerts. The revenues generated when shared with the decision makers and the marketing and sales team provide clear visibility into sales and payments.

A Central Process for invoices and payments

Invoicing through SFA becomes a centralized, standard process with assured accuracy. It facilitates on time financial reporting and generates automatic reminders with an intention to shorten the payment cycles.

Speed & Efficiency of Operations and Employee Productivity

A faster invoice processing implies reduced cost of operations with increased Efficiency of operations and better cash management. Sales force productivity too increases tremendously.

Improved User Experiences

Automated invoicing ensures improved customer relations because of increased efficiencies. It also improves the work experience of the sales force by making invoice generation and tracking much easier through devices of their choice.

Ease of adopting Contemporary Methods for Invoice processing

A contemporary approach facilitates almost all trending technologies like Cloud, mobile devices and wearables to become a part of the invoicing capabilities of the SFA. The ease of use and convenience offered by these techniques to the workforce and customers alike, value adds to the user experiences.

Integrating Spot Billing into Invoice Generation for SFA

Spot billing finds practical implementations in invoicing for utility companies, BSFI and Retail & Distribution enterprises. Utility companies in particular the ones with large customer bases like Electricity companies, Gas companies and SFA for Water supply companies put to use spot billing in SFA for the advantage of all; the customers, workforce and the company itself.

Spot billing in SFA integrates process to be executed at various locations into a single platform; making use of modern day mobile technologies, converting the invoicing approach for SFA into a more relevant and hands-on.

Advantages Offered by Spot Billing
  • Improved customer service & convenience
  • Customer satisfaction because of ensured accuracy of meter readings and easier payment options
  • Faster payment realization for the company
  • Simplified and faster operations
  • Decrease in the cost of managing the billing process
  • Insightful information for the enterprise
    • Client wise insight into the payments
    • Geography wise revenues
On a Parting Note

An intuitively designed SFA, adds to the usefulness and productivity of the Enterprise system. All the core functionalities of a sales force automation system add to the richness of the field force system.

Modern methods of working should are put to use by enterprises looking for better performances and long term advantages in terms of increase in RoI.

ZooM, the mobile sales force automation software in india from SPEC INDIA boasts of competent invoicing and spot billing capabilities. Zoom mobilizes and automates the activities of the sales force, customer executives and the field representatives, synchronizing them with the back office. The end result is a complete end-to-end field force automation application focusing on integrating the planning and execution of field staff activities along with the availability of business critical information right on time.

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